Recharge (ancien titre : Petit essai), 2012, (une image de la vidéo)
vidéo 02’08″
视频 02’08”
Petit essai, 2012
vidéo 02’12”
Vidéo présentée sur l’exposition Un point se trouvant à la même distance de tous les points, le 14-15 septembre 2013, ce qui s’est organisé dans le Stand de tir de Tourcoing (France), selon les conditions de l’environnement, cette vidéo projeté sur une cible carton.
视频 02’12”
« He (Hephaestus) made on it an aristocrat’s landed estate; there the hired workers were reaping the corn, holding their sharp sickles in their hands. The handfuls of cut corn fell to the ground in swathes and in thick numbers, and the sheaf-binders tied up the sheaves with binding twine. There were three sheaf-binders standing by; behind them were boys picking up the cut sheaves, carrying them in their arms, and bringing them to the binders continuously; the lord, among them in silence, holding his sceptre, stood by the swathe glad in his heart. Heralds a little way off under a tree prepared a feast, and were making ready a great ox they had sacrificed; and the women scattered abundant white barley on the dinner prepared for the workers.
This depiction taken from Homer’s description in the lliad of the shield made by Hephaestus, god of fire, serves a narrative purpose. The ferocious hero, Achilles, would carry the new shield into the sequence of final battles with the Trojans which were to bring him glory and an early death – he was not in fact ever to return to the world of peace – precisely the world which most of the scenes on the shield display – as he had at times claimed he would earlier in the poem. So these images of labourers working happily under the benign gaze of a noble in charge of his large estate, and all about to share in a feast, are probably to be taken as representing an idealized picture of farming life, designed to sharpen the tragic irony of the scene.¹ »
C’est un hasard, j’ai trouvé que a part la balle, certaines choses peuvent été mettre dans la cartouchière du fusils fabriqués en imitant, comme même elles peuvent été tirer quand elles sont mis directement dans le canon de fusil. Cette découverte m’a fait très excité à ce moment-là, car je me suis aperçu par cela qu’il semble n’importe quelle sorte de la granulation, si elle ressemble au volume et à la masse du boulet, donc elle peut être devenir cette recharge.
1- Nick Fisher, Work and Leisure, in The Cambridge illustrated history ancient greece, edited by Paul Cartledge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 194.